Social Work

Social assistants have a key role in our team as they give their best support in clinical and DOOTT.

In order to maximize autonomy and patient adherence during treatment, we socially work from two lines:

  1. Meeting firstly the basic needs and demands
  2. Coordinate with family and other social resources

Social assistants perform direct care following through specific plans always adapted to each patient. The patient's needs are accurately analyzed, and we inform, guide and advise them on the management of their personal duties and resources with discharge procedures.





Directly Observed Outpatient Therapy Team.

DOOTT Team manages the administration for outpatient’s medication, always supervised by our medical staff. DOOTT is an entity that works as a branch of Serveis Clínics, integrated to the Catalonia’s Healthcare network (CatSalut).

Direct Contact with Serveis Clínics

Address: Carrer García Mariño 4 · 08022 - Barcelona

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Phone: +34 93 417 46 01 // +34 93 417 46 02