Medical Treatment


At Serveis Clinics and ETODA, we take care of the whole process by treating, supervising and controlling the tuberculosis, whether its form is simple or complicated. Patients who require admission for clinical or social causes are treated, and afterwards we can offer them directly observed treatment at home or vice versa. Since 1993, we’ve been a TB referential centre in Catalonia achieving excellent results. Nowadays we are a key part of the "Barcelona Model", being considered an international example of effective TB control in large cities.

We are a medical centre with an extensive experience in patients treated with MDR-TB, XDR-TB and TB / HIV in Catalonia.






Directly Observed Outpatient Therapy Team.

DOOTT Team manages the administration for outpatient’s medication, always supervised by our medical staff. DOOTT is an entity that works as a branch of Serveis Clínics, integrated to the Catalonia’s Healthcare network (CatSalut).

Direct Contact with Serveis Clínics

Address: Carrer García Mariño 4 · 08022 - Barcelona

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Phone: +34 93 417 46 01 // +34 93 417 46 02